This article helps you log in to your Guardey account, whether you are a new user or already have an existing account. Follow the steps below to log in successfully.
Logging in as a new user after an invitation
- Receive the invitation email: When you are invited to use Guardey, you will receive an email with an invitation.
Open the invitation email: Click the link in the invitation email to start your registration.
Do you have a Microsoft account or a Google Workspace account on the email address
you were invited with? If so, check the options below to log in easily.
This saves you from creating a new password ;) - Complete the registration: Fill in the required information and create a password.
- Log in to Guardey: After registration, you can log in with your email address and the password you just created.
Logging in as an existing user
- Go to the login page: Open your web browser and go to Guardey Login.
- Enter your credentials: Fill in your email address and password.
- Click 'Log in': You now have access to your Guardey account.
- Enter the verification code: This code will be sent to you via email.
Logging in with your Microsoft Account
- Go to the login page: Open your web browser and go to Guardey Login.
- Click 'Log in with Microsoft': You will be redirected to the Microsoft login page.
- Enter your Microsoft credentials: Log in with your Microsoft email address and password.
- Authorize access: Give Guardey permission to use your Microsoft account.
Logging in with your Google Account
- Go to the login page: Open your web browser and go to Guardey Login.
- Click 'Log in with Google': You will be redirected to the Google login page.
- Enter your Google credentials: Log in with your Google email address and password.
- Authorize access: Give Guardey permission to use your Google account.
Experiencing issues logging in with your Microsoft or Google Account?
If you are experiencing issues logging in via your Microsoft or Google Account, please contact your organization’s (IT) admin.
Forgot your password?
If you have forgotten your password, you can easily reset it. Follow the steps in our Password Reset article.
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