This article provides general instructions for creating custom content. This allows you to add content to Guardey, incorporating your company's or team-specific security policies into the Guardey storyline. You can also edit existing Guardey content to ensure it aligns with your organization's vision of security awareness.
Need inspiration? Here are some examples of what you can do:
- Train the finance team on how to verify incoming invoices
- Instruct teachers to log out of their computers and digital boards when leaving the classroom
- Inform staff about how to handle client/patient data
- Share your organization-specific password policies
You need to be an admin user within your organization in Guardey to add custom content to your organization.
Location of custom content
To find the custom content module, navigate to the Guardey Admin portal and follow these steps:
- Go to Game of the organization.
- In the left menu, click on "Custom Content".
- A new page will open with the custom content module.
Content structure
In the custom content module, there are two pages: Modules and Challenges.
- Modules
- Challenges
Each challenge belongs to a module. The module is the main category and is important for reporting. Users will not see these modules.
We have already added default modules. You will not see these on the modules page and they cannot be modified. However, you can use these modules in the challenges. See the default modules below:
- Test module
- Security Awareness
- Passwords
- Privacy
- Social Engineering
- Working Remotely
- Secure internet
- Phishing
- Malware
- Social Media
- Device Security
- Secure Email
- Physical security
- Integrity
- Workspace safety
In addition to these modules, it is also possible to add your own modules in the custom content module.
These are the weekly tasks that users complete to earn points. There are two types of challenges
- Regular challenges: In these, the topic is explained and can be played for points. Correctly answered questions earn points and image. On wrongly answered questions, the user loses points and/or image.
- Bonus challenges: Users can use bonus challenges to go deeper into a topic and earn more points. In most bonus challenges, you cannot lose points or image.
We will talk about the challenges in the rest of the article.
Challenges beheren
On the challenges page, you'll see an overview of all available challenges within Guardey. With the custom content module, you have two options for managing custom content:
- Add and manage entirely new custom content
- Modify existing content from Guardey
Adding New Content
It is possible to add completely new and own content within your organisation. This can be done by clicking on the "+ Create new challenge" button. See gif below.
From this screen, there are many choices to be made. Read below what all the fields mean:
Challenge details
Status: activating the switch makes the challenge "live". You can also save the challenge as a draft by not activating the switch.
Challenge type: Select from regular challenge or bonus challenge.
Slot number: Select the slot number where in the storyline this challenge can appear. By default, all slots already have Guardey content. It is possible to add both a regular and a bonus challenge extra per slot. You can also change the order with this.
Module: Select which module the challenge belongs to here. You will see default Guardey modules and your own modules here.
Title*: Add the title of the challenge here. This is a mandatory field and is visible to the user in the user portal.
Challenge Description*: Add the description of the challenge in a few sentences here. This is a mandatory field and is visible to the user in the user portal.
Level: Select the level of the challenge here. This allows you to decide what the order should be in the case of several challenges on the same subject. For example, you can have 4 modules on phishing, and it is clear which challenge is the "introductory" challenge or an advanced phishing challenge, for example.
Learning objectives: Add here the learning objectives of the challenge to be achieved after completing the challenge.
Language: Select which language the challenge is in here. (Currently, multilingual challenges are not yet supported. Soon they will and then it will already be useful to have this filled in).
Publish: Select here whether the challenge may be published in the library or is private. Soon, our library will also go live. Here, all organisations can also publish challenges so you can use challenges from companies in the same sector. You can also choose to keep the challenge private and then other organisations will not see it.
Select tags: Choose whether tags match the challenge. This is particularly useful if you create challenges that are useful for certain groups or certain sectors.
Target groups: If this field remains empty, the challenge will be visible to the whole organisation. You can also assign a challenge to a specific group, e.g. the finance department.
Image: Add a desired image here that will be visible to the user in the user portal. If you leave this blank, the default image will be used.
Our advice is to discuss 1 topic per challenge and associated bonus challenge.
After filling this in, you can click on the "Create" button.
It is then possible to add "screens". To do this, click on "+ add question". A question will then unfold. All fields will be explained below:
Title*: This is the bold text in a question at the top. This is a required field.
Description: This is the body text in a question below the title.
Image: It is possible to upload an image to go with the question here.
Link to video: It is possible to add a link from a YouTube video here.
Image placeholder: Instead of an image, you want to add a certain text to the question. This field allows you to do so
Explanation: This is the feedback that comes after the given answer. The feedback is always the same regardless of whether the question is right or wrong.
Type: We have several types of questions. Only 1 type can be chosen per question, but different types per challenge
Type "This or that": You can add two options here. If you add an image, it will be added in the middle.
Type "One choice":
This is the option for a multiple-choice question where only 1 answer is correct. When uploading an image, it will be displayed next to it.
Type "Multiple choice": This is the option for a multiple choice question where only 1 answer is correct. When uploading an image, it will be displayed next to it.
Type "Connect the dots": With this option, you can create a row left and right where the fields must be connected. Each answer can only be used once.
Type "Choose image": You can add two images here and have a choice of which image is correct.
Type "No choice": With this option, you don't have to add answers. This allows you to add only an introductory text, for example. Note: don't forget to set the scores all to 0.
Options: Here the answers of the corresponding question can be uploaded. Always tick the correct answer here.
Scores: Users can earn points for each correct answer. The score they can lose or win is multiplied by their image score.
Correct score: Enter here the number of points that can be earned for a correct answer. Easy questions are worth less than difficult questions.
Wrong score: Enter the number of points that can be lost for a wrong answer. Make sure you lose less points for difficult questions and more points for easy questions.
Correct image score: Enter the number by which the image can increase in case of a correct answer. Easy questions are worth less than difficult questions.
Wrong image score: Fill in the number by which the image can decrease with a wrong answer. Make sure you lose less image with difficult questions and lose more image with easier questions.
Sort number: Allows you to manage the order of the questions within the challenge.
Conditions: Conditions allow you to show or hide a question based on a previous answer. This allows you to personalise the storyline even more.
Always make sure you click "Update question" after modifying or creating a question.
You can add unlimited questions to a challenge. Our advice is to limit this to 6 screens so that the challenge can be completed within 5 minutes.
Modifying existing challenges
It is possible to customise existing "Guardey" challenges. By looking up the challenges in question and cloning them, the entire challenge can be customised to your liking.
The regular challenge 3 of Guardey asks how many times a password should be changed. The answer in the challenge is currently once a year. However, your own policy states that this should be every six months.
- Go to regular challenge 3
- Clone regular challenge 3
- Go to the relevant question, number 4.
- Adjust the answer and any text.
- Save the challenge.
- From now on, everyone in your organisation will see the changes in challenge 3.
Note! When a Guardey challenge is cloned, it is completely self-managed. For example, if Guardey makes a textual update in the challenge, it will not be implemented in the challenges that have been cloned.
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